Some Conditions Where Tenants Can Hire Paralegal Services

There are a lot of issues that tenants face today. While some of these issues can be easily resolved by mutual understanding between the landlord and the tenant, other issues may require professional assistance. If you are also facing such landlord and tenant Toronto issues, you can contact a paralegal team to get the best assistance. If you do not want to directly hire a professional, you can take help from websites that provide free legal advice. To help you in determining what’s right and wrong, we have come up with some conditions that may require legal services for tenants:


  1. Eviction without reason: If your landlord tries eviction without following court procedures, you can fight this case by choosing an expert who is experienced in fighting landlord-tenant evictions. Such an expert can come up with tested solutions to provide you with the service that you need. Illegal evictions can be fought in court to get the tenant the justice they deserve.
  2. Discrimination: Every year, thousands of discrimination cases get registered against landlords. If you feel like your landlord is discriminating against you, you deserve to be compensated and get justice. You can file a case of discrimination in court against your landlord.
  3. Necessary repairs and promises: Landlords cannot ignore repairing needs for a long time. For example, if you are facing issues with delay in repairing of water heater, or you have a broken window, you can file a case of nonfulfillment of promises in the court. The same applies to the false promises that landlords make to tenants.
  4. Injury liability: If you’ve been injured due to some damage in the property, your landlord is liable for any damages. Examples of these damages may include electrical damage, fire, water damage, etc.

If you are looking for hiring the best paralegal services, you can contact SW Legal Service PC. SW Legal Service is comprised of members of the Ontario Law Society who are professional paralegals. Small Claims Court, parenting time mediation Vaughan, Traffic Tickets, Traffic Appeals, By-Laws, License Appeal Tribunals, and Human Rights are all areas where their personnel have extensive experience. They've worked in this industry for over 20 years. They have a larger work area than other paralegal businesses because of their substantial litigation expertise.

About SW Legal Service PC:

SW Legal Service PC is the best place to look for small claims Toronto services.

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